"Addiction is a cunning enemy. It can masquerade as pleasure or relief, but in the end, it will steal everything that matters to you."
Chris Prentiss
Drinking and experimenting with drugs has been firmly endorsed by male culture since the beginning of time. Guys drink. Guys smoke. Unfortunately, guys also self-medicate with drugs and alcohol to cope with problems like depression, anxiety, and rage. Often, this is when recreational use can turn into a serious problem.
Bloodshot eyes
Changes in size of pupils
Deterioration of physical appearance
Unusual smells on breath
Slurred speech
Built-up tolerance
Using to avoid withdrawal symptoms
Neglecting responsibilities
Unexplained financial problems
Sudden changes in friends and hobbies
Frequent legal trouble
Change in personality or attitude
Sudden mood swings
Periods of hyperactivity or giddiness
Anxiety, paranoia and fear
Problems in relationships
Weaknesses, character flaws, or the inability of a man to handle his booze doesn't cause drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction is a disease caused by repeatedly using intoxicating substances. When smoked or snorted, ingested, or injected, these substances trigger the release of "happy chemicals" (dopamine) in your brain. This substance-induced happiness" or "high" has a numbing effect that temporarily makes the user feel better. This is why men often get drunk or high to cope with problems, such as depression from divorce or anxiety from work.
What can I do?
The steps you should take toward controlling your substance abuse depend on how serious your problem is.
Mild to Moderate Abuse: Most guys who abuse alcohol and drugs, never become addicts or need to go to rehab. Their use, however, may still be enough to lead to negative life and mental health consequences. If you go on regular benders or use booze and drugs to self-medicate, its time to change your drinking habits. Cut back on your use and, if necessary, stop hanging around your buddies who are bad influences.
Heavy Abuse or Addiction: The first step to dealing with addiction is admitting you are an addict and you need help. It's estimated that more than 90% of addicts never take this first step and get the treatment they need. Fortunately, addiction is highly treatable. It's time for you to escape from the shackles of drugs and alcohol.